1.  How do psychoactive drugs affect people?
  2.  How do drugs get to the brain?
  3. Explain why the nervous system is important to drug and alcohol addictions.
  4. What are the neurotransmitters that are important in reference to psychoactive drugs and why?
  5.  What are some physiological responses to drugs?
  6. What is the “stay-stopped” circuit and relapse?
  7. How does an individual go from experimentation to addiction?  What is the process?
  8. Explain why heredity and environment play a role in psychoactive drugs and compulsive behaviors?
  9. As a future counselor, list what you would want to assess/evaluate with an addicted person biophysically.
  10. As a future counselor, list what you would want to assess/evaluate with an addicted person psychologically.
  11. As a future counselor, list what you would want to assess/evaluate with an addicted person socially.
  12. Explain the Compulsion Curve.

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